Australian Harness Racing Awards - All Time
Joseph Coulter Media Awards
Book Section
This Report updated to include 2023 Awards
Year Winner Book
2023 JOHN DUNNE My Story Father Brian Glasheen
2022 N/A  
2021 NOEL RIDGE The Six American Stallions of Adelaide Hill Stud (published on the Harness Breeders Victoria website 10/09/2021)
2020 CLUB MENANGLE - Production by Kate Butt Miracle Mile Magazine
2018 No Award Given  
2017 No Award Given  
2016 PETER COLLIER The Joe Ilsley Story
  - Highly Commended   DARYL POXON  First Past The Post - The Boort Trotting Club
2015 JOHN HUNT The View From The Clouds
2014 PETER COLLIER Manaroa - The People's Champion
2013 No Award Given -
2012 DR RON GROVES The American Standardbred
2011 MAX AGNEW Nags To Riches
2010 MAX AGNEW The Colourful World of Harness Racing
2009 MAX AGNEW Harnessing A Legend - The G.A. Lang Story  
2008 PETER COOLEY Back to the Trots - The Trotting and Pacing Horse in Tasmania
2007 NICK HOOPER Stallions - Australian and New Zealand Foundation Standardbred Sires 1860-1960 (Special Recognition Award)
2006 No Award Given -
2005 No Award Given -
2004 KYLE GALLEY Warragul Harness Racing Club 1939-2004
2003 No Award Given -
2002 PETER SWEENEY The Mighty Mount Eden - The Story of a Legend
2001 HARRY PEARCE A Legendary Reinsman - The A.D. Turnbull Story
1996 ALAN PARKER The Village Kid Story
  IAN DAFF Black Book of Harness Racing
1994 MAX AGNEW Harness and Hopples
1993 Edited by DR PHILIP SWANN Ted Demmler - Training & Driving
1992 DR PHILIP SWANN Practical Feeding & Racehorse Nutrition
1991 BOB CAIN Harnessing A Miracle
1990 DR PHILIP SWANN Performance Drugs
1989 DR PHILIP SWANN Racehorse Training & Sports Medicine
1988 IAN DAFF The Black Book
1987 MAX AGNEW The George Gath Story
1986 MAX AGNEW Silks and Sulkies
1985 DR PHILIP SWANN Racehorse Training and Feeding - Modern and Scientific Methods
1982 GRAHAM GOFFIN Paleface Adios - A Living Legend
1978 MAX AGNEW Australia's Trotting Heritage


For Awards information pre-2001 refer to the Australian Harness Racing Annual

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